Handmade Photobook Workshop
The aim of this 2 days intensive workshop is to explore ideas about photobooks and create draft of handmade photobook dummy. We will be focusing of the following aspects of book making: editing, sequencing, designing, bookmaking.
Date: 28-29 of April 2018
Place: Bethnal Green, London, UK
Cost: £160
Number of participants: max 6
To sign up write to: tomasz.laczny@gmail.com
Participants are required to send by email about 20-30 pictures as well as text describing their project. Before the workshop the project will be discussed to find the best design solution for the workshop. During the workshop we will be focusing on the following aspects of book making: editing, sequencing, designing, bookmaking. The aim is that each participant will finish the workshop with a physical (or electronic) draft dummy which could be developed further.
We will also cover some technical aspects of making books with some practical exercises.
Participants will be also required to bring their own laptops with some layout program (inDesign is preferable). Basic of inDesign will be covered during the workshop.
Some of the materials will be provided but participants will be asked to bring some tools. (participants will be advised later).
Detailed schedule of the workshop will be confirmed later.
There are two locations of the workshop: practical part will take place in a large workshop space 5 min to Bethnal Green Station and discussions and screenings at the end of the workshop will take place on a canal boat located close to the workshop space.
Tutor: Tomasz Laczny -- fascinated about bookmaking and exchanging the ideas about that subject. His first photobook 40/place which does not exist" received honorable mention at the Kassel Dummy Award in 2016. His next dummy "disappearance" was finalist of the photobook festivals in Vienna and Athens in 2017. You can find some of his videos about photobookmaking: http://www.tomasz-laczny.com/tutorials#2 , http://www.tomasz-laczny.com/tutorials#3
some images from the last workshop in January