Tomasz Laczny

APRIL 27-28


4 Leonard Circus, London EC2A 4DQ

The aim of this 2 day intensive studio workshop is to explore ideas about photobooks and create draft of handmade photobook dummy. We will be focusing on the following aspects of book making: sequencing, designing, bookmaking. 

Number of participants: max 10

Cost: £230


"The workshops Tomasz runs are truly enlightening. They are that rare combination of practice, theory, and something else I'd name intuition, but which sometimes feels almost mystical. He gives time and emotional energy to each project, and helps the artist at whatever level to think and rethink their images in the context of visual narration and as part of the material process of making something, stitching and sticking and cropping. On occasion to even enter the rare rhythm of a fluent visual storyteller - a quality which he personally always seems to possess. Tomasz's processes are both intellectual and physical, and the outcomes I witnessed were always inspiring: suggestive of more thoughtful future works to come. Tomasz makes us look at the book, and the art book, in new ways. An exciting and fulfilling exercise."

Robin Hunt -- participant of 2023 workshop  organised by Photobookcafe London

“This workshop with Tomasz allowed me to really put a new work in motion – his generous and precise insight brought a fresh dynamic as well as a new formal approach to the pictures. Since, the project has been shown in two exhibitions and has received a grant to produce the book!” 

Matilda Holloway -- participant of 2019 workshop organised by Espace Saint-Cyprien Toulouse 2020

“This is exactly what I expected as a workshop, constructive with a listening group, and a first book’s draft Tomasz understands right now and pays attention to everyone. He's full of ideas and knows how to give each one of the tips that match his project perfectly, with a great organization. Thank you. It was great.”

Daniele Boucon -- participant of 2019 workshop organised by Espace Saint-Cyprien Toulouse 2020

more testimonials 

About the workshop

This is an all-analogue workshop; no knowledge of editing programs is necessary.

We will concentrate on the following aspects of bookmaking: theory of editing, editing combined with exercises, designing the layout of a dummy, introduction to bookbinding, sawing exercises, introduction to papers, designing the cover, introduction to printing techniques, and introduction to publishing. 

Participants are required to bring a set of images in 3 different sizes, which will be used for editing as well as developing a dummy. Participants will be asked to bring their own tools. 

Minimum of 6; maximum of 10 people.

Aimed at: photographers with projects developed that they want to turn into book dummy, artists intending to turn their work into the form of a book; and those who wish to create an artist's book as a medium of expression.

Participants are required to send by email about 30–40 pictures as well as text describing their project. Before the workshop, the project will be discussed to find the best design solution for developing it later. The aim is that each participant will finish the workshop with a physical draft dummy that could be developed further. We will also cover some technical aspects of making books with practical exercises.

About the tutor

This workshop is led by Tomasz Laczny. Since 2015, his career has encompassed various aspects of photobook production, publishing, for different clients among others for the (M)edition and Ibasho Gallery. His notable work, "Erna Helena Ania," is included in the MoMA collection library. Currently, he serves as a Special Lecturer (online) at University of the Arts London and has extensive experience conducting workshops worldwide. His teaching engagements include Berlin at Bildband (2020-2023, Germany), London at Photobookcafe and UAL (2021-2023, UK), Toulouse, Gallery Saint-Cyprien (2019, France), Brussels at L'Enfant Sauvage (2023, Belgium), Sopot at the Festival w Ramach Sopotu (2023, Poland), TUMO studios Armenia (2024), and in refugee camps near Tindouf (2018, Algeria). Laczny's approach to teaching and sharing knowledge in photobook making has been praised by past participants for its depth, clarity, and helpfulness. His first photobook  "40/place which does not exist," received an honorable mention at the Kassel Dummy Award in 2016. His recent designed book "Absentee" (author Sayuri Ichida) has been shortlisted for Prix Nadar Prize 2022.  

List of things to bring:

-- set of aprox 30-40 images in 3 sizes:

(i) A5 (aprox. 148 x 210mm) ,

(ii) A6 (aprox. 105 x 148mm), and

(iii)  A7 (aprox. 74 x 105 mm)

We will use them for editing and to test your dummy's structure, so please don't bring expensive printouts. Even basic laser printing on budget paper might be used for these. We will select approximately 15-20 images for the final dummy. Later, you will be able to build your book around this restricted selection.

-- scissors

-- pencil

-- cutter

-- metal ruler (30–50 cm)

-- cutting mat

-- fast drying glue

-- double sided tape

-- bone folder

-- tread and needles

– low-cost A4 paper

-- paper for the cover (optional)

—paper for printing (optional)

Detailed schedule.

27 APRIL SATURDAY start 10:00

10:00 - 10:30 -- introduction of the tutor, introduction to photobook making, samples of handmade books

10:30 - 11:30 -- short introduction to the projects of each participant

11:30-12:30 -- Editing and visual narration introduction

12:30 - 13:30 – lunch break

13:30 - 17:30 – editing (group and individual)

28 APRIL SUNDAY start 10:00

10:00 - 11:30 -- stitching exercises

11:30 - 12:30 -- individual work on a book dummy

12:30 - 13:30 -- lunch break

13:30 - 15:30 -- individual work on a book dummy

15:30 - 17:30 -- final presentation of each person

About Photobookcafe

We are a Community Cafe, Gallery & PhotoBook Library based on Leonard Circus in Shoreditch, London. Established in 2019 by Rapid Eye Darkroom, PBC was built on a passion for photo books and traditional darkroom practice, as well as a love of food and drink.

Cancellation Policy:

  • Full refund for cancellations made three weeks before the workshop.
  • No refunds for cancellations within three weeks of the workshop.
  • Registration transfer to a waitlisted person possible up to one week before the workshop.
  • Workshop cancellation by us entitles you to a full refund.
  • Workshop fee non-transferable to other services or workshops.
  • Registration implies agreement with this policy.
  • Contact us for questions or clarifications.

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